God's Loving Pursuit
Ok here is my thought today. In attempting to put the bible into perspective what subtitle could I give the Bible?
The Holy Bible: Words from God or maybe The Holy Bible: Sound of a Soft Breath
The Holy Bible: God's Plan
The Holy Bible: Promise of God
The Holy Bible: The Word of God
The Holy Bible: God's Truth
The Holy Bible: Pursuit of God
I really like The Holy Bible: God's Loving Pursuit.
"The LORD is my shepherd ... Surely your goodness and love will follow me all the days of my life" (Psalm 23:1 & 6, TNIV)Max Lucado in his book Traveling Light has a chapter titled "God's Loving Pursuit". In this chapter he provides an overview of the Bible through the theme of God pursuing us humans. Here is an excerpt from that chapter.

Isn't this the kind of God described in the Bible? A God who follows us? There are many in the Scriptures who would say so. You have to go no farther than the third chapter of the first book before you find God in the role of a seeker. Adam and Eve are hiding in the bushes, partly to cover their bodies, partly to cover their sin. But does God wait for them to come to him? No, the words ring in the garden: "Where are you? (Gen. 3:9) With those words God began a quest for the heart of humanity that continues up to and through the moment you read these words.
Moses can tell you about it. He was forty years in the desert when he looked over his shoulder and saw a bush blazing. God had followed him into the wilderness.
Jonah can tell you about it. He was a fugitive on a boat when he looked over his shoulder and saw clouds brewing. God had followed him onto the ocean.
The disciples of Jesus knew the feeling of being followed by God. They were rain soaked and shivering when they looked over their shoulders and saw Jesus walking toward them. God had followed them into the storm.
An unnamed Samaritan woman knew the same. She was alone in life and alone at the well when she looked over her shoulder and heard a Messiah speaking. God had followed her through her pain.
John the Apostle was banished on Patmos when he looked over his shoulder and saw the skies begin to open. God had followed him into his exile.
Lazarus was three days dead in a sealed tomb when he heard a voice, lifted his head, and looked over his shoulder and saw Jesus standing. God had followed him into death.
Peter had denied his Lord and gone back to fishing when he heard his name and looked over his shoulder and saw Jesus cooking breakfast. God had followed him in spite of his failure.
God is the God who follows. I wonder … have you sensed him following you? We often miss him.
... Through the kindness of a stranger. The majesty of a sunset. The mystery of romance. Through the question of a child or the commitment of a spouse. Through a word well spoken or a touch well timed, have you sensed his presence?
... His goodness and mercy will follow us all the days of our lives."
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