Your Focus
Listen to 1 Samuel Chapter 16 & 17
& 18
or read "Your Focus" or WATCH a creative and talented presentation of this account of David & Goliath from the Bible. (Beware it is a little violent towards the end of part 2.) There are some talented young people out there.
Part 1 ...
and Part 2 ...
Max Lucado in his book "Facing Your Giants" takes note of David's observations regarding Goliath writing "I find only two. One statement to Saul about Goliath (v. 36). And one to Goliath’s face: “Who is this uncircumcised Philistine that he should defy the armies of the living God?” (v. 26 niv). That’s it. Two Goliath-related comments (and tacky ones at that) and no questions. No inquiries about Goliath’s skill, age, social standing, or IQ. David asks nothing about the weight of the spear, the size of the shield, or the meaning of the skull and crossbones tattooed on the giant’s bicep. David gives no thought to the diplodocus on the hill. Zilch. But he gives much thought to God. Read David’s words again, this time underlining his references to his Lord."
“The armies of the living God” (v. 26).Max continues writing "I count nine references. God-thoughts outnumber Goliath-thoughts nine to two. How does this ratio compare with yours? Do you ponder God's grace four times as much as you ponder your guilt? Is your list of blessings four times as long as your list of complaints? Is your mental file of hope four times as thick as your mental file of dread? Are you four times as likely to describe the strength of God as you are the demands of your day? No? Then David is your man.
"The armies of the living God" (v. 36).
"The Lord of hosts, the God of the armies of Israel" (v. 45).
"The Lord will deliver you into my hand . . . that all the earth may know that there is a God in Israel" (v. 46).
"The Lord does not save with sword and spear; for the battle is the Lord's, and He will give you into our hands" (v. 47)..
Some note the absence of miracles in his story. No Red Sea openings, chariots flaming, or dead Lazaruses walking. No miracles.But there is one. David is one. A rough-edged walking wonder of God who neon-lights this truth: Focus on giants. You stumble. Focus on God. Your giants tumble."